Friday, July 30, 2004

Cheers to everyone for the comments, they make a girl feel really wanted, and highly readable!  Talking of readable I just love the new look Marie Claire magazine.  It's a little smaller, the same size as American magazines, nice and chunky, and as-per-usual bursting with praise for women around the world who are worthy of it (note to Heat & Closer: being a dress size 4 and a fashion sheep/giving up normal habits of life to eat dust as persuaded by a magazine team does not make someone Amazing), such as the feature on female Olympic athletes, which are often sparse in the popular women's media, unless you count Now magazine featuring Denise Lewis on holiday as part of their "stunning beach babes picture special".  Gee, all those hours of training and all that dedication are so worthwhile when the only recognition you get for your talents is to be put in a picture special alongside a few orange, anorexic soap actress sluts.  How about some real credit for some of the few women who are in the spotlight for a good reason and not because all the readers of Loaded want to knob them?  Cheers Marie Claire for showing us there are a few female features editors who have more brains than fake tan!
Don't worry I'm not being paid by IPS Media, I just think Marie Claire really is worthy of praise.  Ok, the fact that it runs with the herd when it comes to images of women in fashion does let the side down a little, but at least it doesn't bommbard us with a different take on the message "Your only aim in life is to attract boys" each month or "reader's sex confessions" (frankly I really don't care how everyone's having sex).
The many shortcomings of a 9am (what an insane hour, I always intend to be way in dreamland at that time for the next three months) appointment with the agency prove that every cloud does indeed have a silver lining.  Or at least it's hoped.  I nearly didn't go after a late 8am start but after truly stunning myself that I was able to dry my hair, dress and be made up in under half an hour I decided to venture in, and am glad that I did.  There is a prospective job in the next town, and providing I pass the data entry test at the agency, it may well be mine.  Of course along with the joy induced by the prospect of extra £££, came the ability to delve into my old past time of navigation via Google and a little AA road map of the area-my favourite posession so far, and after about 15 minutes I have now found a successful route to my prospective new job.