Thursday, July 29, 2004

Message In A Body

'Scuse the title-of-episode-of-sitcom-esque title of this post, just, owing to my intellectual shortcomings, I couldn't think of another way to sum up my post...
The absence of posts for the past week or so has been due to yours truly being bedridden with an ear infection, the resulting deafness of which I am suffering from now.  It's been a long time since the outside world hasn't sounded like it's being broadcast to me through a sock; and the paint on the remote control with which "8" is drawn is starting to fade and disintegrate with excess wear, such is my reliance on on-screen subtitles.
Ailment-wise I'm beginning to notice some sort of trend where type of illness is concerned.  The last three illnesses I've had have all been infections of some sort, and usually recurrent similar illnesses are your body's way of telling you to give it a little more TLC, godammit.  My body hasn't just told me this by forcing me to become a pus-emitting, deaf and bed-ridden disaster, but it's also proverbially hit me where it really hurts-dramatically fucking up my appearance-eeek!  My skin has erupted into a mass of spots, my period has become the period from hell, and my skin has taken on a grey, diry pallor.
Still, I'm not entirely blameless, I eat about as healthy a diet as Homer Simpson, have a sleeping pattern that can only be described as erratic and do as much exercise as your average British child if the media's opinion is anything to go by.  So Allegra has decided to pursue the healthy lifestyle alongside her current quest for intellectualism (is that a word?  Isn't the fact I am asking that in such circumstances ironic!).  I'm to eat my recommended five portions of f 'n' v a day, take my vitamin supplements, which have been gathering dust since fresher's week-apart from the time when I thought if I took them for one day my then-flu would be miraculously cured and my skin glowing-and try and get more exercise than the current sedentary jaunt to the local newsagents to get the Telegraph, my latest compulsory daily habit, the cigarettes taking a backseat till I'm 500 miles across the UK in mid-September again (see how I am maternally oppressed?!  I have to go cross-country to have a fag, and independantly pursue any other unhealthy or "unbecoming" habits that give me pleasure, promiscuous sexual activity being another example). 
Hopefully I should soon see the benefits.  Well, I bloody hope so...